Be The Best Version Of Yourself, Always.
Why do people argue? What can it possibly achieve? Does it really matter who’s right and who’s wrong. It’s only you or someone else’s perception of the truth. It is only your ego that’s ruling your head?
You must control your ego and not let it control you!
Everyone has been or are still being controlled. How can we break this hold or reduce it to a manageable level? The answer in reality is very simple but some find it very difficult or perceive it as near impossible. The answer to all problems are lying within. Stop listening to the main stream news media is a good start. This concept has been programming us for decades, but programming with fear. The more fear anyone has, the less room they have for love. Be full of gratitude for what you enjoy. Many people take much for granted this is a mistake for those who choose the service to others path.
Worrying will not take away tomorrows issues, but it will spoil today’s peace.